Thursday, March 31, 2016

Throwback Thursday: Baseball in the Bay

I can't believe that it's been two years now since we went up to San Francisco for a double-header weekend of baseball! One day we went to a Rockies v. Giants game, the next day it was Yankees v. Athletics. The builder doesn't care about either California team, because he's been a Yankee fan since birth. But now this weekend starts back up with America's national pastime! Who's your favorite team?

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Miniature Adventures

This is a place where we can have small adventures in a big world. I'm Lego Jake, and I think that the world is worth exploring. When the builder is watching the news, all I hear is of a place filled with murder, war, and evil things. But that's not all that the world is. I've seen photos of places that are filled with such beauty, and amazing things. I haven't been to many places, but what I do know is that I want to see more of it.

This weekend, I'll get to go to the Happiest Place on Earth - Disneyland.

With a van, we can go anywhere! 

I was able to talk to the lovely folks who run the Grand Legacy Hotel across the street, and they've welcomed me and the builder to stay and check out their newly redesigned hotel! I'm really excited, as I'll be able to check out firsthand what they've done to the old Ramada MainGate across the street from Disneyland. I hear it's pretty amazing.

So, starting this Friday, if you keep a watchful eye on my instagram feed, you'll see some photos of the stay, and even more after the trip! I can't wait to share them with you!

- Lego Jake

Friday, December 18, 2015

The Force Awakens: A Minifigure's Thoughts On The Galaxy

Last night the builder went to the early showing of Star Wars: The Force Awakens with friends. Aside from sitting in his jacket pocket and having to lean out on the fabric to actually watch the film, I enjoyed myself!

I won't talk much about the film, because I don't want to spoil anything for other fans. But I do want to write on something else I noticed.

The fans.

The fans are amazing people. So many people from all walks of life came together to celebrate something they love. When the lights dimmed, the fans went from a quiet chatter to silence for a few seconds. With breath held close, waiting to exhale into a unified cheer, the famous Star Wars opening crawl lined the screen, and everyone cheered, clapped, whooped and hollered. Finally, a movie they've been waiting so long for, had finally arrived. It kept happening during the film, too. Han Solo making his first appearance in this film, fans cheered. Princess/General Leia, same thing.

It's a great thing to see people happy. That's what makes it so fun being a fan of Star Wars, is that you meet people who could be completely different than you, but you band together for your favorite characters for a few hours, and appreciate a galaxy far, far away. People should do that every day. Band together and work together. If fans can do that for a movie, people can do that for anything. They just have to put their mind to it.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Hi There!

It's 2015, and I'm just now starting a blog. Where have I been, right? I could have done Tumblr, and I've already done Instagram...but I figured this would be a good place to write out more on my adventures!

So, if you haven't known me yet, then hello! I'm Lego Jake, a lego version of a young adult who's making his way around the world. I represent his life in lego form. He thought it'd be a fun photo project to do, so now I guess I'm his muse! He's married, so I'm married. He travels, so I travel. He eats, so I....get to take photos of what he eats (don't worry, he's gotten better about bringing along lego-ized food for me too). I usually hang out in the builder's pocket when we're traveling, or in a lego version of his cubicle in..well, his cubicle. Meta, right?

Anyway, I'm going to try to blog more and post the full-resolution photos of my trip and all the friends I meet on here. Always, feel free to share my posts with your friends, and tell them about my trips and adventures!